I edited eclipse.ini instead of dbeaver.ini, as you adviced, and DBeaver is fully in english now. I had to add this line in eclipse.ini: -Duser.language=en. Right here:-add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=11-Dosgi.dataAreaRequiresExplicitInit=true-Xms256m-Xmx2048m-Duser.language=en. Thanks a lot for solving my issue. Create a JDBC Data Source for Elasticsearch Data Follow the steps below to load the driver JAR in DBeaver. Open the DBeaver application and, in the Databases menu, select the Driver Manager option. Click New to open the Create New Driver form.
I use redshift occasionally for playing with some data. Its an amazing service(a datawarehousing solution) from AWS that you can use for analyzing large amounts of data.
Every time I need to use redshift (every couple of months) I begin my search for a decent client that I can use. A google search does not result in something concrete right off with full of discussions on quora and other places.
AWS official guides use SQL workbench. I found it lacking in basic features like displaying the list of connections, databases, schemas, tables, etc. The whole reason I am using GUI is that I don’t have to remember the database objects.
While any postgres GUI clients would work for running basic queries on redshift, things like IAM authentication, federated authentication require redshift JDBC drivers that I need to use.
Since I am only an occasional user I needed a free tool (preferably open source) to do the job and am not looking to pay for the software.
My final set of requirements for the tool were:
- Provides decent GUI.
- Can use redshift JDBC drivers.
- Can run on multiple platforms (mac, windows)
- Free(Permissive enough licensing for me to use it for commercial purposes. I support customers making my use commercial.) or open source.
After some search and trying out a couple of clients I stumbled on DBeaver. I am not going to provide a comparison of multiple tools that I tried but will focus on DBeaver that met my requirements.
My take:
- It is built on eclipse - so kinda heavy - but worked without any challenge.
- A generic SQL client that can connect to any database given the JDBC driver.
- Works on mac, windows and linux.
- It’s open source (Apache license)
While my needs are not extreme and I have not tested DBeaver to its full extent, it could work for a heavy user too. Check it out. All the best.
Community Edition 21.0.3Released on April 19, 2021 (Milestones). | Enterprise Edition 21.0Released on March 8, 2020 |
Mac OS X
Eclipse Plugin
Note: plugin is compatible with Eclipse platform (from Neon to 2020-09). Required plugins: gef and draw2d. ChecksumsPrevious versions | Enterprise Edition features:
Usually we release a new Minor Community Edition version once per two weeks. Major version is released quarterly (every 3 months). Information about previous releases you can find here. |
Tested and verified for MS Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Windows installer – run installer executable. It will automatically upgrade version (if needed).
MacOS DMG – just run it and drag-n-drop DBeaver into Applications.
Debian package – run sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-<version>.deb
. Then execute “dbeaver &”.
RPM package – run sudo rpm -ivh dbeaver-<version>.rpm
. Then execute “dbeaver &”. Note: to upgrade use “-Uvh” parameter.
ZIP archive – extract archive and run “dbeaver
” executable. Do not extract archive over previous version (remove previous version before install).
Upgrade – don’t be afraid to remove previous DBeaver version – your settings won’t be lost. All settings are kept in the separate folder (DBeaverData in user home)
Java notes:
DBeaver requires Java 11 or higher. Since version 7.3.1 all distributions include OpenJDK 11 bundle.
If you want to use you own locally installed Java you may delete folder “jre” in the DBeaver installation folder.
Debian repository:
Ubuntu PPA:
You can use PPA repository to easily install/upgrade DBeaver on Debian Linuxes. Mostly it is the same as regular Debian repo but it is hosted on Launchpad.
Early Access:
You may get latest build (EA version) of DBeaver. Usually it contains all major bug fixes found in current stable version. Just choose the archive corresponding to your OS and hardware from the following folder: EA version downloads.
Source code:
Community Edition sources, issue tracker, older releases, etc: https://github.com/dbeaver/dbeaver
App script flow. All recent DBeaver versions are available in the archive.
DBeaver is desktop application.
If you are looking for a web-based database management system – please check another of our products: CloudBeaver.
Ubuntu Install Elasticsearch
It is also open-source and free.