Antimony Atomic Number

Antimony (Sb) Atomic Data for Antimony (Sb) Atomic Number = 51 Atomic Weight = 121.75 Reference E95: Isotope: Mass: Abundance: Spin: Mag Moment: 121 Sb: 120.903821: 57.3%: 5/2 +3.3592: 123 Sb: 122.904216: 42.7%: 7/2 +2.5466: Sb I Ground State 1s 2 2s 2. 2020-11-21 by Nick Connor Atomic Mass of Antimony Atomic mass of Antimony is 121.76 u. Antimony (Sb, atomic number 51) is a toxic chemical element. It is classed among the group of metalloids. Metalloids are elements that are neither purely metal nor non-metal. Other metalloids include boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, and tellurium. Atomic Number:51. Atomic Mass:121.76 amu. Melting Point:630.0 °C (903.15 K, 1166.0 °F) Boiling Point:1750.0 °C (2023.15 K, 3182.0 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons:51. Number of Neutrons:71.

  1. Antimony Element
  2. What Is The Antimony Atomic Number
  3. Antimony Atomic Number
  4. What Is Antimony Atomic Number
  5. Antimony Atomic Number And Mass

Antimony has an atomic number of 51 and is represented by the symbol Sb, derived from the Latin Stibium, the name given to antimony sulfide in the Classical period. Antimony is part of the class of elements known as metalloids, which have properties roughly between those of the metals and the non-metals of the periodic table. Antimony is also what is known as a semimetal, which refers to the way in which it conducts energy .

Antimony in its stable form is a blue-white metallic element, with an atomic mass of 121.76g/mol. It melts at 1167°F (630°C) and makes a rather effective semiconductor. Although it looks metallic, antimony does not have the same chemical responses as a true metal. Antimony is also often added to lead to make the lead stronger.

Antimony is used in many different contexts in industry, including some medicines, lead-free solders, bullets, batteries, plumbing, and matches. It has been used in a naturally occurring form for thousands of years, primarily as a medicine, as small amounts can kill certain parasites without compromising the health of the recipient. Antimony in a compound form also has impressive flame-retarding properties, and as a result is used to treat such things as seat covers, toys, and children’s clothing.

Featured Product Specifications

Antimony Element

99.85% High Grade Antimony10000D8 Mesh and Down Shot99.85% High Grade Antimony Shot; Used primarily for Hardening of Alloys
99.85% High Grade Antimony10000ASlabs99.85% High Grade Antimony Slabs; Used primarily for Hardening of Alloys
99.85% High Grade Antimony10000ECast Rods99.85% High Grade Antimony Cast Rods
99.5% Antimony10002A100 Mesh and Down Powder99.5% Antimony Powder
99.85% High Grade Antimony
Belmont Product Code10000D
Form8 Mesh and Down Shot
Product Description99.85% High Grade Antimony Shot; Used primarily for Hardening of Alloys
99.85% High Grade Antimony
Belmont Product Code10000A
Product Description99.85% High Grade Antimony Slabs; Used primarily for Hardening of Alloys
99.85% High Grade Antimony
Belmont Product Code10000E
FormCast Rods
Product Description99.85% High Grade Antimony Cast Rods
99.5% Antimony
Belmont Product Code10002A
Form100 Mesh and Down Powder
Product Description99.5% Antimony Powder

Antimony is a shiny gray metalloid which exists in nature as sulfide mineral stibnite. The atomic number of antimony is 51, and its chemical symbol is Sb, which is derived from the Latin term 'stibium.' Antimony compounds, commonly known by the Arabic name ‘’kohl,’’ have been used as cosmetics and medicines since ancient times.

Antimony is the 1158th most commonly traded commodity in the world, and current applications include use in lead-acid batteries. The top producer of antimony is China, which produced over 100,000 tons, followed by Russia and Tajikistan. China was the top exporter to France, Belgium, and the United States. The total amount of antimony exported in 2016 amounted to $96.3 million. Some of the world's top antimony exporters are listed below.

Top 5 Antimony Exporters


China exported approximately 37% of the world's antimony traded in 2016, earning a total of $35.7 million. This represents an 86% decrease from 2015, when the country's exports of the element totalled $257 million. In 2016, the biggest recipient of China's antimony exports was the United States (21%), followed by Japan (19%), Belgium (18%), and the Netherlands (17%). However, in 2015 the top importer of antimony from China was France. Rent post box. Production in China decreased in 2016 due to new environmental laws which revised the standards of pollutants in many metals mined in China, including antimony. The government of China is expected to close more antimony mines throughout the country.


India is the world's second largest exporter of antimony after China. Exports in 2016 were valued at $10.1 million, and represented 10% of total world antimony exports. The 2016 values show a 39.52% reduction from 2015, when India shipped $16.7 million worth of antimony. Over 50% of India's exports were sent to the United States, followed by Pakistan (31%), and the Netherlands (4.7%).

What Is The Antimony Atomic Number


Singapore contributed approximately 9.6% of the world's exported antimony in 2016, earning $9.72 million. This represents a 4.63% decrease 2015, when total exports reached $9.72 million. Singapore exported the majority of its antimony to Japan (59%), followed by Thailand (9.8%), India (9.4%), and the United States.


Mexico exported about 7.9% of the world's antimony in 2016, which had a market value of $ 7.6 million. This represents a 1.33% increase from 2015, when total exports reached $7.5 million. The majority of Mexico's exports were sent to the United States (56%), which had a value $4.25 million, while India was the second largest importer (40%). In 2015 Mexico exported 56% of its antimony to India and 40% to the United States.

Antimony Atomic NumberAntimony atomic number and massAntimony Atomic Number

United States

Antimony Atomic Number

The United States exported 6.4% of the world's antimony in 2016, which had a market value of 6.16 million. This represents a 52% increase from 2015, when exports totalled $4.05 million. US antimony exports were shipped to Canada (18%), Mexico (14%), China (9.0%), and the United Kingdom (7.2%).

Growth Trends and Uses of Antimony

What Is Antimony Atomic Number

Antimony Atomic Number

Antimony Atomic Number And Mass

The only country which experienced significant growth in antimony exports in 2016 was the United States, which showed a 52% increase, followed by Mexico (1.33%). China experienced an 86% decrease in antimony exports, while exports dropped by 39.52% in India. According to the United States Geology Survey (USGS), current world antimony mines are expected to be depleted within the next thirteen years, but geologists will discover more resources. Antimony is used in cable-sheathing, low-friction metals and batteries, as well as in the production of paints, pottery, glass, enamel and flame-proofing materials.